Sometimes I wish I had that firefighter back. Someone who'd read all my thoughts, who knew me so well. Who I could talk to all the time without fighting over anything and everything. That person who'd come to my aid when I start breaking down. In the end, I just drove that person away. I sound like such a pussy talking about this. Regretting things, that is. But then again, I brought this upon myself. I'm not quite sure, but I think I've gotten the pull as well. It has been a habit lately--for me to sleep no earlier than 3 am. Yesterday, I slept at 6 am. Perhaps it's just me, getting hooked into dramas lately. It may sound cheesy, but it has become my personal brand of heroine--cocaine, if you wish.
Currently 3:16 am right now. I refuse to believe that I have insomnia as my mum tells me. I really should stop watching korean/japanese dramas. |: P.S. I am in love with Kim Hyun Joon a.k.a. Yoon Ji Hoo in BBF. WOULD LIKE HIM TO VISIT MY DREAMS ONCE MORE PLEASE. ;o; |